Laboratorio di scienze della cittadinanza (LSC), Italy

Full name

Laboratorio di scienze della cittadinanza (Laboratory of Citizenship Sciences) - LSC

Key contacts

Fabio Feudo


LSC-Laboratory of Citizenship Sciences is an independent, not-for-profit association of researchers, specialized in social sciences. Established in 1993, LSC has been working in different fields such as quality and management of health services, essential levels of care, gender issues, governance and civil society, training of human resources, migration, science and technology, and urban development. Combining knowledge and policy-making, bringing social research into scientific and technological arena and contributing to the development of a new citizenship science are the key features of LSC’s mission.

Moreover, LSC has significant and specific experience in the measurement of complex social phenomena. More specifically, LSC has developed and registered a model for the participatory quality assessment in health services (the APQ model), integrating data and opinions through coordinated procedures involving health care professionnels, users and citizens.

In the last years, LSC has been working with the aim of strengthening the contribution of social sciences (particularly sociology), to the general scientific and technological development. In this framework, LSC is working as partner in several EC projects, funded within the 6th and the 7th Framework Research Programmes.

Relevant publications

  • Bijker E W et al., « Handook on the Socialisation of Scientific and Technological Research », Social Sciences and European Research Capacities (SS-ERC) Project, Rome, 2009

  • d'Andrea et al., « International literature review on social sciences and the scientific and technological research. First Research Report », Social Sciences and European Research Capacities (SS-ERC - CIT5 - 2006 - 029011)

  • d’Andrea L et al. « Manuale tecnico dell’Analisi Partecipata della Qualita », Laboratorio di scienze della cittadinanza, Rome, 1996.

  • Montefalcone, M., "La promozione della qualità dei servizi sanitari oltre i confini dei paesi avanzati", "Salute e Società" Anno I-3/2002.

  • Montefalcone M., « Quality standards in health services - Società italiana per l'analisi di qualità », Rome, 2001.

  • Quinti G, « Qualità e politiche sanitarie. Gli approcci adottati in quattro paesi europei » (quality and health policies - adopted approaches in four European countries), Officina Edizioni, Rome, 2001.