Key project aims
The primary aim of FUTURAGE was to produce the definitive road map for the future of ageing research in Europe for the next 10-15 years.
The broad aims for the road map were:
To develop a concerted approach to this highly important research area
Promote a multi-disciplinary perspective on ageing research
Ensure that both the research priorities and research outputs reflect the broader European goal of quality of life of citizens.
The specific objectives ware:
To promote state of the art assessments of research priorities, newly emerging fields and methods including user involvement for the next 10-15 years. These formed the basis for the road map document.
To engage Europe’s leading scientists, from the main disciplinary groups relevant to healthy ageing, well being and quality of life, in a collective endeavour to prioritise ageing research.
To engage the key stakeholders in ageing research - funders, policy makers, practitioners, product producers (especially SMEs) and older people – in this process so that the final road map commands widespread support and is of lasting relevance.
To help to close the gap between science and society by informing the public about ageing research and its importance. This communication will be done chiefly via the project website and newsletter.
To successfully launch the definitive road map in a high profile European event.
For more information about the project activities please go to the Road Map.