Project oversight
FUTURAGE was governed through two processes; the network steering committee and the council of scientists.
Network steering committee
The NSC members comprise the workstream leaders of the various themes being explored under FUTURAGE, the project Coordinator, and two representatives from ERA-AGE 2. They are:
FUTURAGE theme leaders:
James Goodwin (User involvement)
Giovanni Lamura (Social & Economic Resources)
Anne-Sophie Parent (User involvement)
Stuart Parker (Healthy Ageing)
Olivier Toussaint (Biogerontology)
Hans-Werner Wahl (Environments of Ageing)
FUTURAGE Coordinator
Alan Walker (Chair)
ERA-AGE 2 representatives from:
Council of Scientists
The Council of Scientists (CoS) for the FUTURAGE project were drawn from project leaders of other major European projects. The aim of the CoS was to provide high-level oversight over FUTURAGE outputs. The CoS embodied European ageing research over the past decade, from previous CAs, SSAs and major research projects.
The role of the CoS was to review and quality control the outputs from the scientific and user involvement workshops, to ensure that the road map is definitive in terms of both scientific validity and societal need.
CoS members
Ariela Lowenstein, University of Haifa, Israel.
Dieter Ferring, University of Luxembourg.
Dietmar Wuppermann, Federal Ministry of Research and Education, Germany.
Heinz Osiewacz, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany.
Pearl Dykstra, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Tom Kirkwood, Newcastle University, United Kingdom.
Fiorella Marcellini, Italian National Institute on Ageing.
Dorly Deeg, VU University Amsterdam and VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Stathis Gonos, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece.
Chris Phillipson, Keele University, United Kingdom.
Rocio Fernandez-Ballesteros, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
Brian Clark, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Beatrix Grubeck-Loebenstein, Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Claudio Franceschi, University of Bologna, Italy.
Janet Lord, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Alfonso Sousa-Poza, University of Hohenheim.
Jean-Marie Robine, University of Montpellier, France.
Jean-Pierre Michel, University Hospital of Geneva/President Elect of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), Switzerland.
Jean-Pierre Baeyens, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Emanuele Scafato, ISS, Italy.
Leon Zagrean, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania.
Vladimir Anisimov, N.N.Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Russia.
FUTURAGE partners
James Goodwin, Age UK, formerly Help the Aged, United Kingdom.
Giovanni Lamura, Italian National Institute on Ageing.
Stuart Parker, Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing, United Kingdom.
Carol Jagger, University of Leicester/University of Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Hans-Werner Wahl, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Olivier Toussaint, University of Namur, Belgium.
Alan Walker, Coordinator, University of Sheffield.