Project team

The project team comprised of:

Professor Alan Walker

Professor Alan Walker is Director of FUTURAGE, the European Research Area in Ageing and The UK New Dynamics of Ageing Programme, also Professor of Social Policy and Social Gerontology at the University of Sheffield, UK. Previously he was Director of the Economic and Social Research Council's Growing Older Programme, the UK National Collaboration on Ageing Research and the European FORUM project. He is co-founder and Chair of the European Foundation on Social Quality. He was a member of the Technical Committee responsible for drafting the Revised UN Plan of Action on Ageing. Previously he chaired the European Commission's Observatory on Ageing and Older People.

He has been researching and writing on ageing and related issues for nearly 30 years and has published more than 20 books, 200 reports and 300 scientific papers. Recent books include The New Generational Contract; Ageing Europe; Combating Age Barriers in Employment; The Politics of Old Age in Europe; The Social Quality of Europe; and Growing Older: Understanding Quality of Life in Old Age. He has held visiting Chairs in Canada, China, Israel and Japan. As well as being a scientist Alan Walker is an active participant in older people's organisations as patron of the UK National Pensioners' Convention and the Greater London Forum for the Elderly.

Alan Walker's Sheffield University staff page

Juliet Craig BA (Hons), MSc

Juliet is Senior Research Manager for FUTURAGE and also works on the parallel ERA-AGE 2 project. She manages the day-to-day activities of the consortium, ensures that all reporting and legal requirements are met and leads the Project Team. Juliet has worked in research and information management since 1998, most recently at Creative Sheffield, supporting the development of Sheffield's economy, labour market, urban environment and knowledge economy.

The FUTURAGE project has now ended, if you have any queries relating to the project please contact Alan Walker