Road map structure

The project contained 11 work packages (WP) which created an iterative process of consultation to develop the Road Map for ageing research in Europe.

At the start of the project National consultations (WP1) were conducted by the 13 countries that form the European Research Area in Ageing (ERA-AGE 2). Each consultation engaged with key stakeholders in their country to identify national priorities for the road map.

The consultation process was designed to introduce the aims and objectives of FUTURAGE and give stakeholders an opportunity to participate and make their views known. This process gave rise to five research themes.

Each of the five themes was assigned a WP number as follows:

There were scientific workshops held for themes WP3–5, and user workshops held for WP6.

After each round of workshops, the findings of all would be discussed by the Council of scientists and the stakeholders.

Project structure

Dissemination (WP10) and Project management and network steering committee (WP11) ran throughout the project.

The structure of the study was as follows:

  1. National consultations (WP1) (September 2009-February 2010)

  2. First workshops (February and March 2010)

  1. Council of scientists meeting 1 (WP7)

  2. Stakeholder meeting 1 (WP7) (11 May 2010)

  3. Second workshops (June and July 2010)

  1. Council of scientists meeting 2 (WP7)

  2. Stakeholder meeting 2 (WP7) (18 May 2011)

  3. Draft road map (WP8)

  4. Council of scientists meeting 3 (WP7)

  5. Definitive road map (WP8) and launch conference (WP9) (18 October 2011)